Wednesday, November 20, 2013

to are or not to are, that is the question

i want to record some pace-isms before he grows out of them and starts using proper grammar.  the verb he constantly uses, regardless of number of people/things involved, past or present tense, or gerund...or any other english grammatical nuances, is "are".  i'm pretty sure he's using the "are" verb form, vs. the plural possessive "our".  a few examples (translations following):

  • are watch something, are eat lunch on red tray?  (can we watch something while we are eating lunch on the red tray?)
  • are all done bath are get binkies and blanket and read scriptures.  (when we are done with our bath we are going to get our binkies and blanket and read scriptures)
  • that road are go running!  (that's the road we go running on!)
  • are all done now! (we're all done now!)
  • are get treats are go scooping store?  (can we please go to the scooping store (winco bulk section) to get treats?)
  • are fight more bad guys are save good guys (while watching chinook helicopters taking off and landing on you tube:  the helicopters are taking off to fight bad guys and save good else would you describe what an army is to a 3 year old?...)
  • are all done breakfast, are go see dr. mark (when we are all done with breakfast, we are going to go see dr. mark--our dentist--pace had a scuffle with the baby bouncer chair and the chair won.  pace pushed the chair down, held it, and then let go, while right over top of it--all that force came right back up into his teeth.  ouch!  wiggly tooth the first day, lots of blood, very tender to bite down on things.  day 3--visit to the dentist with x-rays, everything looks ok, just badly bruised)

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