Wednesday, November 6, 2013

other happenings and halloween

we had a stake talent show, and our ward put together more of a road show performance--broadway-themed.  each auxiliary performed a song (lyrics changed to fit), and the sister missionaries read a script tying it all together.  it was definitely a lot of effort...the relief society sang super trooper gals from abba.  we decided to tie-dye some shirts and get some feathers for our hair.  

david and the boys came for the first little bit, but then after the act with a belly dancer to loud drum music, pace said, "mama, pace don't like show--show scary!"  and it was getting later and later, and we were one of the last acts, and max started david took off running with the boys.  

and then when i thought we were in the clear from anyone else catching the bug, max came down with the bug.  it actually went pretty well--he sat on my lap and made it into the bowl every time.  one interesting thing after the boys being sick--pace's appetite has taken off.  he can't ever get enough to eat.  he is up late saying he is hungry and up early pulling on the covers saying he needs "bess-giss".  max's appetite, however has totally disappeared.  he'll have a bite of dinner.  seriously--a bite.  (although the other night we had spinach feta cakes with vegetable hash on top, and max gobbled up 1 1/2 cakes like they were chocolate-dipped.  no hash, just the cake).  if we try to feed him more than that, he carries it around in his mouth for hours on end until he is drooling his dinner out his mouth.  he got scared once, thinking he was throwing up again.  good thing we pack our smoothies full of fruits, veggies, oatmeal, wheat germ, etc., because max downs smoothies like there is no tomorrow.  

and then, when we thought we were over it, i came down with the bug.  yuck and yuck.  thankfully david called in a sick day so he was with the boys while i was laying in bed all day.  good thing it was only a 24 hour bug, because the next day, saturday, was super busy!  we had the ward trunk-or-treat with a soup/dessert dinner contest.  david and i both signed up to bring soup and dessert, so the coombs contest was on.  i make green chicken chili with homemade tomatillo sauce and dark chocolate dipped pecan bars.  david made creamy tomato soup and orange chocolate truffle cookies.  would you believe neither of us won first place for either dish?!  

there was one trunk there that was the coolest ever--a smoke-breathing dragon!  the boys each got a costume from costco--prices were better than what i could have made a costume!  on actual halloween day we just ran over to the mall to walk around the stores giving out candy, get our photo taken at the photo booth, and then we went to terra mia for some great pizza.  i couldn't figure out why max was so upset until after the pictures were done and he started reaching for the go button.  i guess he was upset pace had pushed the button, and he wanted a turn, too.   


robin marie said...
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robin marie said...

i'm so glad our ward didn't do a talent show like that! you look super cute in tie-dye. and i would have definitely voted for your soup and dessert!

p.s. max looks like the elephant from the "what does the fox say" video! so cute.