Tuesday, May 6, 2014

a little bit of coaxing

pace needed a little bit of coaxing yesterday to wake up after his nap.  

so we got out some boxes and made car washes and car elevators (pace is showing me where the buttons are)

we opened a box from uncle jon erik--where does he find these impossibly cute things for the boys?!  max wasn't too excited about putting on his alligator coat, but he did like petting it...
max has also decided to start coming downstairs by himself after he wakes up from his nap.  i've caught him a couple of times at the top and make him hold my hand the rest of the way down, but he's started pushing me away and says "walk" with a big grin on his face.  "walk" is his way of requesting walking/going down stairs by himself, no assistance needed, thank you very much.  when he says that, i say, "max, i don't want you to tumble down the stairs and bonk your head!  be careful!"  he just grins right back, says, " 'onk, yeah!", giggles, and does his little foot trick of sliding down the stairs two feet at a time, thinking it's a pretty neat little trick he does.  i've opted to not be around when he comes down the stairs.  if i know it's around the time the boys are going to wake up, i'll go to the kitchen and get dinner prep going, or something.  i'll run and pick up the pieces, but i don't want to watch it happen!

and we sealed the deal with cupcakes from my friend!  yum!

and then daddy got home and gave me some down time while they painted the sliding glass door.  i'll have clean windows in 20 years.  ha ha.

1 comment:

Jay said...

LOVE the creativity of the elevator! Boxes are the best toys it seems.

I'm told I went down the stairs head first. There was no carpeting.

Not surprised.

Max is a genetic similar in his body adventures!

Love the painted door! Saving photos?