Wednesday, August 15, 2012

wee-oo bed

pace calls firetrucks "wee-oo's" because of the siren noise.  when i found this firetruck toddler bed on ksl, we just had to have it!  pace took one look at it, and loved the fact that it was a truck, but was hesitant when we told him it was his new bed to sleep in.  he sat on it at our prompting, and then said, "no."  we rearranged his room sunday morning so the bed would be ready for his nap after church.  we got home, had lunch, and then went upstairs for his nap.  everything went without a hitch--he laid down, had his blanket, binkies, and stuffed animals all around him, and closed his eyes.  david and i were expecting some resistance!  we left his room and went downstairs.  

30 minutes or so later, we heard pace's bedroom door close.  david went upstairs to check on pace and when he opened pace's door, pace was running back to hop in bed.  "do you want your door closed?"  david asked.  "yeah!"  pace said.  so david closed the door and came back downstairs.  another 30 minutes or so, and we heard more noises upstairs.  usually pace crashes after church and we have to wake him up around 6 or 630 so he'll actually go to sleep sunday nights.  this sunday afternoon was a nap-free one.  pace was very excited about his new sleeping arrangement and decided to play on it instead.  he was in bed early that night, to say the least--and stayed there! 

monday night i got home from swimming laps and checked on pace.  he had pulled about 10 books in bed with him to "read", and then fell asleep on them.  also in bed?  about 10 stuffed animals, his three binkies, bulldozer, etc. ... ...too cute to pass up a photo opportunity!  i also expected pace would love his new freedom and leave his bed at will, wander into our room and wake us up, go into the playroom, etc., so we now always keep the gate at the top of the stairs closed.  however, pace has surprised us all once again!  he'll get out of his bed to retrieve a book, but then go promptly back to his bed to sit and read it.  monday morning when i went to get him changed for the day, he was sitting in bed, trying to fit his shoes on his stuffed animals.  yesterday morning when i went to get him changed, he was reading the hungry caterpillar, pointing at and naming all the fruits and their colors.  he asks to go up to his "wee-oo bed" to play and sleep now!

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