Wednesday, August 8, 2012

two months and we're still alive!





that little white patch on the right side of max's head?  not a bald spot.  turns out it's his birthmark!  it's called a forelock, according to the dr., and he'll have that little shock of white or very blond hair there for the rest of his life!  

max's two month appointment was last friday, and here are the stats (drum roll):
weight: 14 lbs 7 oz (92%ile)
length: 22 3/4" (40%ile)
head circumference: 15 1/2" (62%ile)

this little guy sure knows how to pack on the pounds!  which of course makes his cheeks the most delicious baby cheeks to kiss and cuddle, and he has the cutest dimples on both sides of his mouth--i hope they stick around!  he has been wearing size 3-6 month clothes for a while now.  he is also a child of trial and error.  pace was such an easy baby, whereas max has taken some experimenting to figure out.  he is a very gassy and colicky baby, so that's made night time "fun"...the first couple of weeks we had to figure out how to reduce his grunting/kicking time from 12am-6am down to 3 hours, then 30 minutes, to nothing.  the magic cure?  1 tsp gripe water between 6-630pm, pj's by 7pm, and gas drops at 730 and 830, at which time he'll fall asleep for the night (sometimes he doesn't fall asleep for the night until 930), and then drops with each night feeding (typically 230, 530, and 730am).  on bath nights we throw it in right before pj's around 7.  when we follow that routine to a "t", max is happy and falls asleep like a little angel baby.  if we skip a step or start it late, he's up screaming and it takes a very frustrating 1-3 hours to calm him down.  sometimes it seems he falls asleep out of sheer exhaustion from screaming. 

 this kid also has blow outs like you wouldn't believe.  i had him on my lap yesterday waiting for him to finish his business when my legs felt warm and wet.  i picked up max to find both my shorts legs smothered in his business, and his business running down both of his legs.  that's when i decided to put him in size 3 diapers.  so max officially wears the same diaper size as pace.  

max has alert times throughout the day in between naps, and he has turned into a very smiley baby(when his tummy is happy and gas-free).  it's been really fun to have such a responsive baby.  he coos back to us and imitates our smiles instantly when we are talking to him.  he's very strong and solid--stands up on our lap with assistance; does push ups if i'm holding him on my chest; holds his head up and moves it around; tracks toys, etc.  at this point he also seems to be another mama's boy--there are times he stops crying instantly as soon as he's transferred from david's arms to mine.  and so far, he's been really good in church--sleeps right through.

pace has been so, so sweet with max.  then again, pace is quite possibly the sweetest boy on the face of the planet, so it isn't a big stretch for him to treat max so nicely.  he's very excited to "see baby" every morning, and runs into our room and says, "hi baby!"  he loves to pat max's head, lean over to give him a kiss or a hug, and if max is upset, pace tries to comfort him by putting a binky in his mouth, patting his head, or bringing him a toy or stuffed animal.  we have had zero jealousy, anger, or baby resentment in the transition from one to two babies.  there have been moments when i want to rip my hair out, of course, or slammed a door in frustration, and of course some sleepless nights and no naps the next day, but that all comes with the territory, right?

here's a comparison shot, just for fun: max on the left, pace on the right; both at two months!


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