Thursday, August 9, 2012

balance bike for pace

balance bikes are supposed to be safer than tricycles, so we went ahead and got a bike for pace!  balance bikes don't have pedals; the kids are supposed to use them like the flinstones used their car--foot power!  the whole idea is to get the feel of the bike, how it moves, how to lean, and eventually learn to balance when going downhill.  the transition from balance bike to bike with pedals will then be a snap.  

we thought we would have to play the little you tube video for pace so he could see how kids were riding the balance bike, but as soon as we opened the box, he knew just what to do--and he wanted to ride that bike as soon as possible!  don't you love how he sticks his tongue out when he's really concentrating?!  he loved putting on his helmet and walking around with the bike, so we graduated to going outside and having david push him around.  he immediately propped his little feet up on the foot rests and said, "go!"

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