Monday, April 4, 2016

Sweet Boys

I love Max's determination.  We've been working with Pace, transitioning him from the balance bike to a pedal bike.  Pace needs lots of time with transitions and new things.  Max, on the other hand, walks up to me holding his bike helmet and says, "Mommy, I need to practice riding my bike.  I know pedals!"  He is so excited to be all grown up and big, just like Pace.  "I gonna grow and and eat food and get big, and then I will be five like Pace."  

I also love Max's new verbs.  He's putting the past tense on irregular past tense verbs:  
"Look, Mommy, you forgotted!"
"We runneded so fast!" 

Pace picked out all the heart sprinkles one morning with breakfast and lined them up and said, "Mommy, I love you this much!  It's like a skyscraper, so tall!  So many skyscrapers on top of each other all the way to the moon!" 

I have no idea what the boys were playing, but they were occupied for a good hour or so, stacking and moving these blocks along the tracks while I was cleaning.

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