Friday, September 11, 2015

here and there

pace built a sweeper truck with his magnets.  the sweepers go in and out and even swept up some crumbs for me!

david and a friend did the nebo loop and we met them in nephi with some smoothies and snacks to refuel them.  max wanted me to take a picture of him going down the slide.

i will find random letters written all over the place--pace loves sounding out words and writing them out.  sometimes he gets it right (like cat and hat), and other times it's just a jumble.  he brought this page to me and asked me what he spelled.  we sounded it out together, and he thought it was pretty funny that he spelled "but" (he was, of course, thinking of the anatomical region, not the preposition).  i have since found lots and lots of pages with "but" written all over them.  i made the mistake of telling him what he was actually spelling (the preposition), and now he is sure to spell "butt" correctly, and lets me know with lots and lots of giggles.

pace comes home from church with some pretty elaborate drawings he does in his primary class.  i'm not sure how much time is devoted to lesson vs. coloring/drawing, but it's enough for pace to come up with a machine, draw it out, and label its parts.  this one is a "smacking 4010" machine of some sort (i don't remember all the details)--see where pace sounded out and labeled "smac"?

and max is doing great writing his name on nursery papers.  so proud of him!

just yesterday (so now we're totally up to date!  phew!)  the boys and i played candy land, chutes and ladders and enchanted forest all afternoon to celebrate max going #2 on the potty chair all by himself!  i caught max doing his circling and squatting thing, and asked him if he wanted to go in his pull-ups (bishka brought out for us to try so i wouldn't have to keep throwing away his underwear), or in the big boy potty chair.  he kept insisting that no, "i not need doh!"  i finally just sat him on the toilet, and told him we would play any game he wanted to after he went #2.  then pace came down saying he had to go, too.  so i went to help him, and came back to max shouting, "i do it!  i do it!  i do it!  on nine own!"  max won candy land, too!  

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