Friday, September 5, 2014

tower falls II

on our last full day there ninny and i decided to take the boys back to tower falls and do the little hike to the overlook.  david and papa were busy four wheeling it out to goose lake.  the sun finally decided to come out, and it was pretty warm that day!

max has finally gotten to the stage where he'll actually smile for a photo when we ask him to!  now the trick is getting the two boys to smile at the same time!

i love it when the boys are around different people--whenever grandparents come to visit, a play date, going over to a friend's house, etc.  i feel like their vocabulary sky rockets without me around to interpret everything they say (or try to say), they learn to interact with different people instead of me hovering over their every move, and come back to me as an enhanced version of their cute little selves.  the two things max now says (that he didn't before):

"riiiiiiiight here", while pointing where he wants to put a toy, put his sandwich on his plate, put his little duckie down, etc.  

"aaaaaaaaaaalllllllll der", while pointing at something aaaallll the way over there.  he picked this up while we were driving and telling him montana was all the way over there, or driving to old faithful all the way down there, or climbing the mountain all the way up there... ha ha!  i love how he demonstrates his new knowledge:  he'll put his tractor by the garage door, walk over to me doing dishes at the sink and say, "dor, aaaaallllllll der!"  [tractor all the way over there!]

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