Saturday, May 21, 2016

Vacation Day 1: Hurry Up and Wait at the Airport

Best Christmas/Valentine's Day/St. Patrick's Day/Groundhog's Day/Mother's Day/Birthday/Fourth of July/etc. Present Ever!!  We took a trip to the East Coast!!  This was the first time the boys would remember flying!!  I took Pace back to visit when he was 3 months old or so, and Max has never flown.  I was afraid this would be a scary experience, so we spent some time prepping the boys for the plane ride by reading books and playing airplane...David was really good at pretending there was turbulence while playing airplane, so they actually thought it was pretty cool every time we bumped a little while flying.   Since getting into Star Wars, the boy always beg to "hyperdrive" in the car from the mailbox home, so we also played up the "hyperdrive take off" to make it sound super fun, instead of loud and scary during take off.  It worked!  The boys were so excited to get on the jet and take off and fly that waiting was an excruciating practice in patience.

I failed to see the {very} fine print at the bottom of the screen when purchasing the tickets that Delta is trying this new way of seating:  Economy seats, the cheapest seats, are all middle seats...both window and aisle seats coast more than the middle, or Economy when we checked in, we were all seated in middle seats, apart from each other...They helped us sit 2 and 2, at least.  Max was my little seat buddy and Pace got to sit with Daddy.  I packed their backpacks with games, stuffed animals, snacks, and their blankets--and I dressed them in pj's...We left around 5pm, and landed at BWI around 11!

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