Tuesday, August 12, 2014

just practicing

while i've been slaughtering the mound of weeds in our garden/play area, the boys have been "practicing emergency situations" (to quote pace).  pace gets all his stuff ready in the garage, adjusts his "microphone" on his bike helmet (the little clip under his chin), and rides out of the garage as quick as he can, sounding the "wee-ooo" alarms and calling out to max, "max, max, are you ok?  what's the problem max?  do you have a problem?"  max replies, "no."  then pace says ok and speeds back to the garage.  on occasion he would come over to me and ask if i needed help.  his crane truck helped pull out some weeds, and his bulldozer helped spread the rocks.  

i had to get rid of a few blossoming weed ecosystems, and sent numerous spiders, beetles,  and roly-poly bugs scurrying back into the dirt, found a great praying mantis (when i showed pace, he came over and said, "hey little buddy!"...he may have also started a roly-poly bug collection in our rug when i wasn't looking...), and on the bright side, uncovered a huge squash bug infestation on our squash plants.  i think they have been successfully eradicated!  and the garden now looks great!

emergency situation averted!

i didn't take any before photos because it was a pretty embarrassing bit of space.  i looked through the photos from spring/summer, and i was also pretty successful in cutting out that area as the background...because it was a pretty embarrassing bit of space.  ha ha...but here's a few before photos, and use your imagination to fill in about 10x worse weeds and stuff.  seriously.  it was kind of foresty.

1 comment:

Jay said...

I love the house.

It appears to need an inspection.