Wednesday, April 2, 2014

round 2

at pace's dr. appointment friday morning, his temperature, lungs, and ears were all normal.  when he woke up from his nap that afternoon, he had a 102.5 fever, cough, and runny nose.  i gave him motrin and his fever went down to 99.0, so even though inside i knew it was probably pneumonia, i thought we would wait and watch over the weekend.  saturday the coughing increased and his fever went up to 103, but again responded well to motrin.  sunday, same story, only max was also now coughing and had a low-grade fever.  so i called the after-hours clinic and made an appointment for both boys.  they were somewhere in the 100's when i left for their appointment.  the nurse at the appointment said their temperatures were totally normal, and the dr. said it was viral and to just keep and eye on them.  when i got home, their temperatures were in the 102's.  their coughing got worse throughout the day.  needless to say i did not agree with the dr.'s diagnosis.

having been up all night with the boys three nights in a row, and nursing a sleep-deprivation headache, i was having a hard time thinking, and trying to decide if i should bring the boys in to the er that night, or just wait to see our normal dr. in the morning.  bishka convinced me to bring them to the er that night.  i was expecting to go all mama bear on the er dr.'s, demanding chest x-rays, etc. (our last visit to the er we saw a dr. who was sort of gruff and didn't think we needed to be there)  lucky for us, we saw a very nice dr. who agreed with my concern of a relapse from their recent illness, and wanted to run as many tests as he could, minus blood work.  so...2 chest x-rays and mucus-suctionings later, we discovered the boys hadn't relapsed, but swapped.  this time pace was diagnosed with pneumonia and max was diagnosed with an ear infection and rsv.

funny.  i always thought breast-fed babies were impervious to ear infections, and our hand-washing-smoothie-guzzling routine kept us healthy enough to avoid major infections like this!  and yet, here we are, spending practically the entire month of march in quarantined pj's!  i hope my jeans still fit.


Jay said...

It's good to learn sharing while so young.

In our neighborhood, when someone got something (measles, chicken pox, mumps) all of us got together to play and share. For some reason nobody ever shared their mumps with me.

I don't know what would be in mother's milk that prevents ear infections. Old Wife's Tale?

robin marie said...

Poor little guys and poor you! I always heard swelling from previous illness caused eat infections. And it is true bottle fed babies are more susceptible but I think it is because they may drink bottles lying flat. My friend has five kids and she has dealt with multiple ear infections with each! It sounds awful! Hope the boys feel better and you guys can catch a break on sickness!