Wednesday, March 7, 2012

dinosaur at the mall

there's a dinosaur play area at the mall, and if pace and i go see david at work, we'll stop by to look at the dino.  it's usually filled with running, screaming kids, which freaks pace out.  he's such a timid and sensitive boy--anything too loud or raucous is too much for him to handle  (we've tried weaning him into nursery at church--i don't see him willingly going into that room without david or me just because he's turned 18 months old.  one of us will go with him and play the second hour of church, and then bring him with us to the third hour.  he's getting better, but nursery kids that fight, scream, or cry freak him out, and he starts crying).  

we've tried playing on the dino with other kids there, and the best he's done is stood at my side for 45 minutes with his mouth gaping open and eyes blinking, watching the kids screaming around him, trying to figure out how to enter the arena.  he eventually did start playing, but he went up the stairs so slowly i was afraid the other kids would push him off like a fly on the wall, and then he held up the line at the slide, a vice grip on my fingers and his body frozen, realizing the only way down was down...  we went there early one saturday morning before the place filled up, and pace had a blast running around.

he's always very happy when he finds a chair just his size!

braving the slide.  i was on the other side watching him go up the stairs, and pace was showing me where he was headed.

approaching the slide feet first, just like the stairs at home.

not quite sure he wants to go down--vice grip on my fingers.

what?--i'm alive?!  that wasn't too bad!

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