Monday, December 20, 2010

11 lbs 10 oz of baby goodness

2 month stats:
11 lbs 10 oz, 45th percentile
22 3/4" long, 40th percentile

pace is already so active--i think he's going to start running before crawling or walking. if we lay him down on a blanket, his legs start kicking a mile a minute. his favorite letter is "o" and he's learning to say "goo"--he'll repeat both to us with a huge grin if we say them to him. nights are going great, i think. he always sleeps from 8/830pm until anywhere between 1230-230am, and then after that he's up every 2-3 hours. this little guy cannot have chocolate milk...any time i eat chocolate, even just a bite of something, he's a mess the next 24 hours. any baby weight i've lost in the last 3 weeks i think is due to cutting chocolate out of my diet, not the exercise...ha ha. overall he's an incredibly happy little man. lots of smiles, coos, and giggles. he even seems to chuckle to himself as he's falling asleep, like he's telling himself a great joke. so fun!

1 comment:

Jay said...

At that age my mother said I looked like I was swimming!

So, perhaps we have another following to suit.