Saturday, March 20, 2010



due: october 11th


Valerie said...

Congratulations Michal!! When are you due??

robin marie said...

Love the baby snapshots of you two! So excited!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Josh said I had to come and look at your blog. We are so happy for you!

Jenny said...

Hooray! Now we can spoil your kid, too!

meow said...

I'm so happy for you!

Ryan & Rachael said...

whoot whot!

Jay said...

I think I took that one picture - it was in Texas. The other I haven't seen before. Who is it anyway?

Oh... sorry.


Oh, and we've talked about that date thing that you keep touting...

Jay said...

P.s. Looks like David's family had a much better camera than yours!

Rachael said...

Congrats Michal! So happy for you guys! :)

Phil and Ronnie said...

Congratulations! What and exciting time for you guys.. excited to keep up with the pregnancy and the new bundle!

Esther said...

Congratulations!!! :)

Colette said...

no way!!! i'm so excited for you! congratulations!