Tuesday, April 5, 2016

So Many Projects and Experiments!!

Max LOVES his workbook.  He's made it through all the pages, just has a few letters left.  On this day he just kept wanting to do more, saying, "Mommy, I'm gonna do five more!"  

For our project that week, the boys wanted to make Star Wars pillows.  We had gone to the mall to walk around and check out some sales, and the boys saw Star Wars pillows for $30 apiece.  I promptly told them no, because I knew I could make something identical for way cheaper than that.  Then they found stuffed R2D2's, like a stuffed animal, and loved them, and so I told them we'd see how much they were.  $50!!!!  What??!!  We quickly walked out of there, minus R2D2s, and despite tears and whining and crying and wailing that those were their favorite toys, ever, ever!, I told them we'd go to the fabric store the next day and they could pick out their very own fabric for a Star Wars pillow.  It wasn't immediate consolation, but it was enough to get them home and to bed.

And happy the next morning!

Pace loved the Star Wars space ship fabric he picked out, with his favorite, the " 'lenium falcon".  He had fun with space ship battles in his head.  That kid is so intense--I wish I could see what he sees!

On another Experiment Day, we made lego zip lines to determine which went fastest, carriages made with wheels, or just regular legos.  That kept the boys occupied for the entire afternoon!

Yesterday our experiment was making a "Bubble Blender".  The boys loved watching the bubbles form, but also--to their great joy!--whirlpools, and water twisters!

Yesterday we also read a library book about wind.  This book had two experiments in it to learn about air and wind!  First, we caught air in a bag and learned we could (sort of) feel air by squishing the bag.  Then we discovered how to weigh air.  We taped balloons to a hanger, and it hung evenly balanced.  Then we blew one balloon up, retaped it, and the side with the inflated balloon hung ever so slightly lower.

Max, blowing wind.

Pace wanted to go outside to capture more air in a bag.

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