Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I Did It!

So I did it; I registered for the Tulip Festival Half.  It's going to be tight, with only 5 1/2 weeks vs. the normal 8 I like to use to get ready for an event, but I think it's going to be fun.  This course is about 9 miles of rollers, which is tough, but this year I know what I'm in for and am training accordingly.  So.  When you live in a flat lakebed, and you need to train on rollers, you get creative and improvise.  Two Saturdays ago I did laps on the overpass.  I'm not kidding. 

Then I got a notice about a running group heading up a trail early Saturday morning, and thought that would be good training!  It was a great run with a great group of people!  We ran up the Hot Pot trail in Diamond Fork Canyon, and part of the group turned around at the hot pots for a 6 mile total, and the other half of us continued on for another couple miles to make a complete 10 mile out and back.

The crazies who kept on going.  What a great group of people!  We were all just there to have fun, go for a great run, nothing to prove to anyone, no egos, just sun, fun, run, dirt, breathing, mountain fresh air!  It was so great to find this group!  I'm definitely going again!

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