Tuesday, April 5, 2016

March Madness

I thought maybe, just maybe, we'd escaped it this year, as March is nearly over, but NO. Just for the record, "March Madness", AKA "The Coombs Family Curse" Lives On. We never see the doctor. We never get sick. I never stop running. Unless it's March. Then I put on three dress sizes, walk around googly-eyed from sleep-deprivation, and wear stretchy pants/pj's all day.
{In chronological order, and all ONLY in the month of March}
Pace: RSV, ear infection
Max: pneumonia
David: pneumonia
Pace: broken nose
Pace: pneumonia
Max: RSV, ear infection
Max: cough, 105 fever (diagnosed viral)
David: influenza
Michal influenza
Max: stomach flu
Pace: cough, 105 fever (diagnosed viral, and then I demanded antibiotics for him after 7 days of fever and coughing/wheezing)
Me: diagnosed with exercise-induced anaphylaxis (what the heck?!)
Pace: stomach flu
{As a side note, I also ran the Tulip Festival Half at the end of April--hardest half I've ever trained for because of March Madness}
Me: Cold-Flu from the seventh circle of purgatory (possibly influenza?)
Pace: cough/wheeze for 7 days, check for asthma. Dr. confirms asthma, and puts him on 3 asthma medications, two of which are steroids. 
Max: stomach bug (threw up twice at the Dr. when we were getting Pace checked for asthma)
Pace: stomach bug
Pace: It took me three days to realize he may have initially had a stomach bug, but now he was throwing up 20 mins-2 hours after having his asthma meds, only in the morning and evening. And his cough/wheeze was no better on the asthma meds. Hmmm...correlation or causation? Follow up with Dr. to determine what's wrong, as they were convinced it was something else going on, and I was insistent it was the meds and I wasn't going to make him continue taking them...his poor little body was so exhausted from throwing up for a week!
Max: diagnosed with strep (TOTALLY asymptomatic, btw)
Pace: diagnosed with pneumonia. 
Me: I'm debating running the Tulip Festival Half again...anyone want to run it with me??!!

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