Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Easter Mayhem

 We took the boys to the Spanish Fork Easter Egg Bash on the Saturday morning before Easter.  They had arranged the ballpark fields into groups by age, and had filled the fields with eggs.  I took Max and David took Pace, and we thought this would be a fun child-initiated egg hunt.  The bell rang and the parents took off running like there was no tomorrow.  Every egg Max bent over to pick disappeared very quickly by the hand of another kid or the kid's parent.  By the time i caught up with Max to help him, the eggs were gone.  Gone.  Pace's experience was the same.

Max got a grand total of two eggs.  Pace shared two of his with him, nice brother.

We found out later the reason behind the pandemonium: the eggs weren't just filled with tootsie rolls. They were filled with prize vouchers, for large candy bars, for bigger gift baskets, toys, tricycles, bicycles (??!!)  We got out of there as fast as we could, and in the car the boys both declared, near tears, "We are never, ever going there again!  They are NOT nice!"  David and I agreed!  Of all the Spanish Fork stuff we've attended, this was definitely the craziest and not-nicest.  David commented if they removed the parents out of the equation, the kids would probably be nicer.

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