Monday, April 4, 2016

Pace Art

I've found a lot of Pace's handiwork around the house and I love it.  We've always brought "church bags" for the boys with quiet activities to keep them quiet during Sacrament meeting.  I've let the boys choose books and activities they'd like to do (sticker books, reading books, etch-a-sketch, etc.), and lately Pace has only wanted a notebook and markers or pens to draw.  He practices writing words, drawing hearts, and space ships.  

Pace's love of WallE and the BNL Axiom.

He tried to spell Axiom phonetically and did a pretty great job!  He said he drew this one so Santa would know what to bring him.

I finally tore down the box fort last month and found all sorts of Pace's drawings in, on, around the box.  According to Pace:

"This is part of my dinobuster home."

"This drawing is a tornado drawing with satellites and tornado scientists."

"This is a fishing boat on the open water, with nets."

"That's just another fishing boat with a net."
"What are those tall things on the end of the red tubes?"
"Oh, those are just rooms where people live."
"How about these other squares on the boat with stars in them?"
"They're just fans."

I think he was spelling "Dinobusters"

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