Friday, November 4, 2016

Pace is 6!!

 I cannot believe our little Paceboy is 6!!  Pace is so intelligent, inquisitive, a critical thinker, helper, hard worker, fun--he brings so much goodness to our home and family.  He loves, loves, loves legos, and knows that sets labeled "ages 5-12" are for him (and now that he's turned 6, he's looking for sets that say "6-12" on them), he loves kindergarten (even though he reports he does "baby stuff" every day), and he loves counting--when we're running errands, he starts counting when we're on our way home and very excitedly reports "Mommy!  It took 165 to get home!"  On the down side, I can't tell him it'll be just a minute anymore because he counts to 60 and says, "Mommy, you're not doing it!"  The other day he matched up A with 1, B with 2, etc.  His eyes lit up when he got to 6 because that's how old he is now, and then he was quiet for a minute, and started grinning and said, "I wonder where I'll be at Z!"  I don't know if he was referring to age or location, but I thought it was way cool of him!

Pace loved his birthday morning--we made his favorite, blueberry ball pancakes (ebelskeivers), and he opened his presents while wearing the birthday glasses!

A microscope!

(excuse the early morning yoga outfit)

Grow your own crystals!

A $2 bill!

A building set!  (Uncle Jon Erik also sent a couple more boxes that arrived over the next couple of days!)

Later that day we had a couple special friends over for games and treats.

1 comment:

robin marie said...

Cute cake and candles! Love his smile with that microscope.