Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

This year we created a Thankful Turkey and wrote thankful feathers each morning with our foundations.  The boys are both writing this year!  I've loved seeing what they come up with.  Sure, they wrote lots of convenient things they saw on the table, but we also got some other gems:  
"I'm glad I can grow up"  -Pace
"I can chase tornados when I grow up" -Pace
"Laove" -Max (Max is really, really good at sight reading and writing.  His phonics work is great.  He is still learning all the tricky rules English has, in "Love,", the "uh" sound is an a, not an o.)
"Table" -Max (On this one, Max sounded it out and spelled it all on his own.  I confirmed it started with T when he asked, and then I loved over and Max said, "Mommy, does it end with a magic e because the a says ā?"  (The long a sound)  He even got the order of b and l right!

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