Friday, November 4, 2016

Max the Wiz Kid

Max is plowing right ahead with his reading and writing and workbooks and Upstart and preschool.  He LOVES everything so much!  I don't know if it's that he's finally doing what he saw Pace doing and he feels proud to be old enough to do Upstart, or if he's already absorbed everything from watching and listening to Pace, or if this is just his personality--whatever the case, it is so fun working with him and seeing him not only excel but love doing it!

You can't get too close to take a photo or they'll stop doing whatever you want to take a photo of, right??!!  I caught Max just flipping through a book, finding his sight words and sounding things out. 

Max and Pace spent some time hanging out in boxes, drawing and turning them into boats or airplanes or something.  I thought Max was just drawing, and then I looked closer and he was spelling out a word--by himself!  I was super worried that Max, being a year younger than Pace was when Pace started Upstart and kindergarten...but Max has surpassed all my worries.  

Max is a very natural reader, has mastered phonics and very easily and quickly puts the sounds together to read and create words.  He has sight words down, capitals and lower case letters down, and is reading beginner kindergarten level.  I am so proud of him!

Max finished one workbook and we got him a new one.  In the 5 senses section, he had to draw pictures of something he could see, hear, smell, etc.  For something he hears, he drew "Mom".  I love my hair--haha.

In this Upstart game, first the program says a word and there is a word written on each of the large gum balls, and the child has to click on the word the program said.  Halfway through, then the little yellow sign pops up and the child has to read the word, and then click on the correct gum ball that says the word (no words written on the gum balls the second time around).  So it's an auditory, phonics, and reading activity.  Pace would always get so wound up with anxiety with the timer, and mix up words, and click on the wrong things, the poor thing never got al the gum balls, and he wanted to so badly!  Max took one look at the gum ball game, started giggling when the timer started, and said, "Oh-kay", and clicked one, then the next one, then the next one--and he got all the gum balls like he'd been doing it forever!  Each child is so different, it's been great working with Pace and helping him learn stress management techniques, hard work, practice, and reading.  Pace has worked so hard acquiring these skills, and I'm so proud of him for sticking with hard things.

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