Wednesday, June 25, 2014

the daily grind

oh, what a hard life on vacation!  our days started out nice and chill in the mornings, sleeping in until 730 or so, taking our time with breakfast, enjoying the cool veranda, playing hide-and-seek, going on a short adventure if we were up for it.  david would go on an adventure during nap time, and we'd all go on an adventure after nap time, fit dinner somewhere in there, play some more hide-and-seek, and hit the sack (or cave) happy.  

some photos from one of david's runs:

checking out pioneer park:

like i said...indefatigable...

some more family photo attempts...we thought a jumping one would be fun.

the beauty never ends!

checking out a real cave:

monkey max has to do what pace does at every step!


never done in the dirt...

ok, boys, now go up those rocks by that orange light.  yeah, right there, good.  

now turn around and hold hands.  

the other hands.  and take your finger out of your nose.

what?  it's spooky up there?  ok, ok, come on down...

and go play in the dirt some more...
(i think there were some other hikers around the corner when the boys were up on the rocks, and their echoing voices spooked pace a little bit.)

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