Thursday, June 5, 2014

my usual grace and charm...

(i stole this from david's Facebook page)

1 comment:

Jay said...

You may come over anytime!

Once our alarm went off at 230am. I jumped out of bed - no drill this one!

Running downstairs I found Wanda's reacher on the floor. Bitsy had knocked it over and the sound sensor set off the alarm.

For the last 6 months or so of Bitsy's life she was demented and wandered around at night. She kind of stayed beside things, including walls.

At night Wanda would set her reacher so she could grab it when she entered the kitchen in the morning. Bitsy's wandering knocked it down.

Bitsy was still wandering, oblivious to the alarm (deaf) and happy to be picked up.

Good to know your alarm works!