Thursday, January 28, 2016

IKEA day

We finally decided to bite the bullet, rent a trailer, and head up to IKEA for book shelves, toy and game shelves, office desks, office chairs, full-length mirror, a new king-sized (!!) frame and mattress, and...I think that's everything.  It looked like IKEA had exploded in our house for about a week while building everything and breaking down boxes.  The boys were super impressed with lunch there, and of course found the stuffed animal bins and each picked out a new puppy stuffed animal.  

The week IKEA exploded in our house.  The boys had no complaints, loved having our new mattress on the floor in the main room, had a couple campouts on it, and loved making the boxes their hiding places and canvases.  I love that we have enough shelves for everything to be put away now.  Although I would say I still spend over half my day picking up after these boys.

The other good news is that we finally unpacked our last box.  I got all our books put away on the bookshelves.  The boys insisted we make a fort out of the rest of the boxes, so this was our entire afternoon one day--making a fort for them and their dinosaurs.

Everything finally unpacked and put away!

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