Thursday, October 4, 2012

painting with water

my cousin sent me a great link to an activity blog.  they send me a daily email with activity ideas for pace's age range.  we don't do the activity every day, but if i have all the materials on hand, and if it sounds like something pace would enjoy and learn from, we'll tackle it.  yesterday the activity was painting with water, to learn gross motor skills.  the idea was to let your toddler "paint" the sidewalk with water using a roller or paintbrush.  pace was more interested in moving water from one container to the other via the ladle.  max was content to sit and watch for a while (Don't you just want to nibble those chubby cheeks?!).  and then, of course, pace started throwing the water in the air.  he loves the "up and down" concept, whether it's him jumping, throwing a ball up and down, or in this case, water goes up and down, too!  the last few photos actually caught pace right after some water landed on his head--he was very surprised and didn't like it one bit!

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