Thursday, October 4, 2012


pace is still my little helper--everything from scrubbing the toilets to doing the dishes.  he especially loves the dishes because of the spray--or as he calls it, the "bay".  he asks to "bay" at least 4 times a day, if not more.  i tell him to keep water in the sink, and he's sprayed outside the sink only once or twice, which isn't too bad for an almost 2-year-old, right?!  i figure we're building gross motor skills, and it keeps him occupied for as long as i let him play with water--even if we have to clean up some puddles here and there, it's not too bad.  

he loves this little step stool--he not only can reach the sprayer, but he can see whatever i'm doing on the counter and loves to pitch in as my little sous chef if i'm making david's lunch, or flipping pancakes for breakfast, or stirring eggs to scramble them.  he loves being involved with whatever i'm doing, which i love, too.  this morning we made blackberry pancakes together--maxwell was sleeping, so i got some great time with pace, and i loved that moment with my little boy!  i luckily had some more pancake mix on hand to speed up the process, and some blackberries in the freezer.  pace pulled over the stool, helped stir the pancake mix, threw in the blackberries, helped spoon it out onto the cute farmer pancake pan from uncle jon erik, and helped flip them!  then we put yogurt and syrup on top.  yum!  

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