Thursday, October 25, 2012

max's 4 month stats

now that max is a week away from being 5 months old, i thought it was high time i posted his 4 month stats!
weight:  17 lbs 3 oz (73 %ile)
length:  25 1/2" (48 %ile)
head circumference:  16 1/2" (44 %ile)

this little kiddo is a baby of extremes, for sure--0-100 in no time.  i know you don't believe me seeing those big, brown, adorably innocent eyes up there.  he'll be sitting in your lap, content and cooing one second, and then the next second he'll start crying like someone is plucking his little toe off with a wrench.  maxwell is not a big cuddler.  he prefers to be swaddled and put in his crib for bed, and just left alone.  if i'm holding him when it's naptime, and i try to rock him or snuggle with him to help him fall asleep, he gets mad and madder until it's full meltdown mode and it take a good 45 minutes to an hour to get him to calm down and fall asleep.  and if he's in your lap, he will arch his back or do stomach crunches until you help him stand up.  no lounging for this one!  he is a very good giggler.  he thinks changing his clothes is the funniest thing on earth (better that it's funny than traumatic--he has at least 2 blow outs a day, so we do a lot of changing clothes), and he'll also give you some good giggles when you munch on his hands and give him kisses on his cheeks and neck.  he is also very ticklish--thighs and ribs are the special spots. 

he is still not the most flexible baby when it comes to his schedule (i can't wait to see what daylight savings is going to do to him...), and he is still happiest when we stick to a routine.  his sleep schedule got a little off while he was taking antibiotics for a little infection involving his...boy put it delicately.  while he was taking antibiotics, he would fall asleep around 430 or 530pm, and sleep until 1030 or 1130pm, wake up to eat, and then go back to sleep.  he'd then wake up every 2-3 hours from then on until he was up for the day between 430-530am.  he'd take a little cat nap between 630-7 or so, and then go down for his morning nap around 830 or 9.  afternoon nap was between 1-3, and then back to bed around 430/530.  it's day 3 after the antibiotics, and i'm trying to get him on a better night, falling asleep around 7/730 like a normal baby so he'll sleep longer at night!  so he has one long stretch of sleep, and then it's back to eating every 2-3 hours...and believe me, i don't know why this little chunky munchkin is still waking up every 2-3 hours at night to eat!  i've tried just rewrapping him and sticking his binkie back in his mouth, but that only works for about 20-30 minutes, and then he's up again with his little tummy growling to be fed!

well, now you see where his midnight feedings are going!  maxwell is a solid baby, not just rolls of baby fat.  he really knows how to use these thunder thighs!  he is so, so strong; he loves to stand, jump, kick, and if he's laying down on his back, he slams his legs down like sledgehammers.   

on his 4 month anniversary, maxwell decided to put his thighs to use and roll over!  the first time he rolled over i wasn't even in the room.  i had just finished changing max's diaper, and he was content laying there looking around.  so i went into the other room to help pace with something.  within a few minutes he was making muffled cries.  i ran back to find max face-down on his tummy.  boy was he scared!  he kept whimpering for a few minutes after i saved him.  i guess he thought it was worth trying again after a few days, though, because the next time he rolled over, he gave a little satisfied grin after landing on his tummy.  he's a little upset in the next set of photos--he couldn't get his arms out from under his tummy, and kept rocking back and forth, which he did not like.

how can you not forget all those tantrums when you see this face?!  we love  you max!  has it really been only four months?!--it seems like you've been a part of our family for much longer than that--you fit right in.

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