Saturday, October 27, 2012

terrific two's

at pace's two year check, he weighed: 24 lbs (19 %ile) and was 33 1/4 inches tall (13 %ile).

we are simply loving this stage!  pace is hilarious, sweet, full of energy, and is so, so fun to play with.  he is becoming so verbal, and it is so fun to see what's he's going to say, or how he's going to match up words and phrases.  most of the time we have to tell him what something is just one time, and he'll remember and pull out the word next time he needs it.  he's recently started asking, "what is it", and then he'll answer his own question--almost like if he knows the answer, he doesn't need to be afraid of it.  He also says, "Ok?" with a very worried look and tone of voice.  And then we ask, "Are you ok?", and he'll respond, "Yyyyes."  (with emphasis on the y--very cute).

pace knows his abc's, matches the majority of upper case letters with their lowercase counterpart, understands the concept of counting and will count independently to ten (he'll occasionally keep counting 11-20 although these numbers are still jumbled up), knows the basic colors and shapes, understands and uses most basic opposites (big/little, hot/cold, etc.) and loves music and singing.  he can distinguish musical instruments--he knows when he hears a guitar vs. a piano, and was absolutely mesmerized when the primary kids had their program at church last sunday.  all those kids singing!  

he also distinguishes trucks by sound and sight--he knows the big construction trucks by name (bulldozer, excavator, dump truck, mixer truck), knows when the trash truck is coming down the street, and knows when he hears a car vs. a motorcycle.  i can't help but laugh when pace comes running into whatever room i'm in, eyes wide, finger pointing to the door, and gives a very excited "guck! chash guck!  big guck!" exclamation.  and then before i can grab him into a big bear hug, he's off to look out the window at the truck.  

he has been a terrific two, not a terrible two, but we didn't expect anything less.  this little boy is so dear, and most nights david and i look at each other with big smiles and melted hearts and ask, "how did we get so lucky?"    

pace's birthday fell on a sunday this year, so we got extra-dressed up for church with a vest and tie!  i asked pace to smile for me, and he held the ball up in front of his face.  and then ran into the fort.  so i grabbed a couple photos of him sitting on the ball in the fort, looking handsome for church.  he opened his presents from ninny and papa later that evening after his nap (we skyped so they could watch), and bicka flew in later that week, so we had another birthday celebration.  so fun!

in lieu of the frankenduck mistake from last year's birthday, i decided to make it easy and go two-dimensional and throw some construction trucks on a cake.  this even proved a level of difficulty beyond my skill...ha ha.  i envision exactly what i would like to do and have it look like, but there is a huge divide between what i'm picturing and making it happen!  i tried to make brown colored icing, but it came out more of a concrete color.  good thing he's into construction trucks!  while we sang happy birthday to pace, he noticed all the sprinkles--of all the things to be excited about!  

then time to blow out the candle--

take a deep breath...

and blow!

david then helped him out a little, but pace was a bit spooked when he saw the candle flickering.  and then--poof!--"tondol, all done!"

he's even polite digging into cake and uses his fork!

"are you ready to open presents pace?"


we started with the huge box of gifts from uncle jon erik.  pace says "ooohwoooow!" whenever he sees a big box, and he was very excited about this one! 

one of the present jon erik sent was a bag full of plush monsters.  i thought it would be fun to stuff them in pace's shirt, but he did not.  here he is saying, "all done!"

one of the favorite gifts was a bath time crayon from ninny and papa.  pace loved coloring in the tub!  it's the best toy ever--fun and educational!  during baths now i'll ask him to draw me a red circle or a blue square, so he'll find the color and draw away.  he's really good at circles, but we're still working on corners.  i took a picture of this bath because this was the first time he'd drawn something and then named it!  the green lines right above his head he said were "aypanes" (airplanes).  even cleaning up is fun and he willingly does it while singing "een-up, een-up!"  we just take a wash cloth and wipe down the tub.  viola!  

bicka left early in the morning, so we got some quick photos before she left for the airport.  whenever pace sees an airplane in the sky now, he'll say, "bicka, aypane!  bye, bicka."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

max's 4 month stats

now that max is a week away from being 5 months old, i thought it was high time i posted his 4 month stats!
weight:  17 lbs 3 oz (73 %ile)
length:  25 1/2" (48 %ile)
head circumference:  16 1/2" (44 %ile)

this little kiddo is a baby of extremes, for sure--0-100 in no time.  i know you don't believe me seeing those big, brown, adorably innocent eyes up there.  he'll be sitting in your lap, content and cooing one second, and then the next second he'll start crying like someone is plucking his little toe off with a wrench.  maxwell is not a big cuddler.  he prefers to be swaddled and put in his crib for bed, and just left alone.  if i'm holding him when it's naptime, and i try to rock him or snuggle with him to help him fall asleep, he gets mad and madder until it's full meltdown mode and it take a good 45 minutes to an hour to get him to calm down and fall asleep.  and if he's in your lap, he will arch his back or do stomach crunches until you help him stand up.  no lounging for this one!  he is a very good giggler.  he thinks changing his clothes is the funniest thing on earth (better that it's funny than traumatic--he has at least 2 blow outs a day, so we do a lot of changing clothes), and he'll also give you some good giggles when you munch on his hands and give him kisses on his cheeks and neck.  he is also very ticklish--thighs and ribs are the special spots. 

he is still not the most flexible baby when it comes to his schedule (i can't wait to see what daylight savings is going to do to him...), and he is still happiest when we stick to a routine.  his sleep schedule got a little off while he was taking antibiotics for a little infection involving his...boy put it delicately.  while he was taking antibiotics, he would fall asleep around 430 or 530pm, and sleep until 1030 or 1130pm, wake up to eat, and then go back to sleep.  he'd then wake up every 2-3 hours from then on until he was up for the day between 430-530am.  he'd take a little cat nap between 630-7 or so, and then go down for his morning nap around 830 or 9.  afternoon nap was between 1-3, and then back to bed around 430/530.  it's day 3 after the antibiotics, and i'm trying to get him on a better night, falling asleep around 7/730 like a normal baby so he'll sleep longer at night!  so he has one long stretch of sleep, and then it's back to eating every 2-3 hours...and believe me, i don't know why this little chunky munchkin is still waking up every 2-3 hours at night to eat!  i've tried just rewrapping him and sticking his binkie back in his mouth, but that only works for about 20-30 minutes, and then he's up again with his little tummy growling to be fed!

well, now you see where his midnight feedings are going!  maxwell is a solid baby, not just rolls of baby fat.  he really knows how to use these thunder thighs!  he is so, so strong; he loves to stand, jump, kick, and if he's laying down on his back, he slams his legs down like sledgehammers.   

on his 4 month anniversary, maxwell decided to put his thighs to use and roll over!  the first time he rolled over i wasn't even in the room.  i had just finished changing max's diaper, and he was content laying there looking around.  so i went into the other room to help pace with something.  within a few minutes he was making muffled cries.  i ran back to find max face-down on his tummy.  boy was he scared!  he kept whimpering for a few minutes after i saved him.  i guess he thought it was worth trying again after a few days, though, because the next time he rolled over, he gave a little satisfied grin after landing on his tummy.  he's a little upset in the next set of photos--he couldn't get his arms out from under his tummy, and kept rocking back and forth, which he did not like.

how can you not forget all those tantrums when you see this face?!  we love  you max!  has it really been only four months?!--it seems like you've been a part of our family for much longer than that--you fit right in.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


two weekends ago we went to vineyard nursery--our favorite nursery and the happiest place on earth--to pick out a good pumpkin.  they also have the cutest fall play area for kids!  pumpkinland comes complete with a corn maze, playground, alice in wonderland themed play area, and a ton of chickens, turkeys, goats, and rabbits for the kids to look at.  pace loved running around and exploring!  good thing david was there to get us through the corn maze, otherwise the boys and i would still be wandering around...

happy to have found a puddle to splash in!

see what i mean about the happiest place on earth?!  even in october they have trays and trays of blooming green goodness!  sorry this shot is of our backsides... 

pace heard a fan and wanted to go check it out.  i think his face here is hilarious, with his little outstretched arm like he's casting a spell

 here begins the fun--rows and rows of free running room for our little white kenyan...

 max woke up to join in on this next bit of fun...