Thursday, July 28, 2016

Summer Goings-On Part II

The boys set up a movie theater game:  they set up tickets (the green and blue tickets were for nature shows, the yellow ones were for gold shows, orange were for volcanoes (I think), and the pink ones were for love.  Pace was the ticketmaster and Max would walk up, pick out a show, drop it into the bucket, and then go and sit on Pace's bed and "watch" the show.  Max treated me to a show, he picked one ticket, and I picked one ticket, we walked into the "theater", sat down on Pace's bed, and he started listing facts about the topic he picked.  When he was done he looked over at me and said, "Your turn, Mommy."  Then looked at the wall across from us, waiting for me to start listing facts.  Cutest game ever!

Pace picked out this experiment the other day, finding the onion DNA!  It was crazy--we soaked chopped onion in soap and water then poured it into rubbing alcohol, then waited for a while, then the DNA strands appeared!  Next time we'll have to do it and look at it under a microscope!

I picked up this cute fabric map at the fabric store ages ago and finally took the time to sew it into a wall hanging!  Now I just need to find a longer dowel.

Pace has been asking about a dream catcher lately, and when we found this storm trooper helmet he desperately had to have, I told him that could be his dream catcher, and it could catch all the bad dreams and burn them up.  (It was a kit to color your storm trooper helmet any way you'd like, and Pace loved the flame design--I drew the flames and he colored the rest black.)  He thought that was great, for one night, then was begging for a dream catcher again.

So for project day the other day we made dream catchers for the boys!  They each picked the colors, the string, the beads and feathers (or no feathers, in Max's case).  Pace says it works so well, it catches his bad dreams AND good dreams, and he sleeps so well, without any dreams at all!

We had a couple late nights with fireworks, and then we were heading out for another late night at the rodeo (Pioneer Day/Fiesta Days), so I told the boys they needed a nap if they wanted to stay up and watch more fireworks.  They promptly complied, snuggled up, and their dream catchers helped them have a great nap!

David did a couple cycling competitions through a local bike shop.  One week was distance and the next week was elevation.  The distance week David hit it really hard, riding a total of 441 miles in 6 days.  He was in first place, and was confident he'd place first, as he had more miles than anyone else.  Then, at 11:59pm, a guy uploaded a ride that placed him 1 mile more than David, and he took first.  The bike shop called David and said they wanted to interview him for their newsletter, and they gave him a t-shirt, in place of the first place bike jersey.

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