Friday, March 28, 2014

you should see the other guy...

we decided to eat dinner outside after church on sunday because it was such a warm and nice afternoon.  pace decided to play on the jogger stroller, on the lower seat, of course--as it was unbalanced, pace face-planted it on the concrete porch.  he immediately started crying, holding his nose, and we watched it pretty much double in size and change colors before our eyes.  poor little guy!  after some motrin and holding some frozen peas on his nose, he calmed down a bit.  i was pretty sure he had broken it, and called our after-hours service to see if there was anything to even do about a broken nose.  the nurse said he'd only need to be seen if the nose seems displaced, which i thought it did, on his right side.  so i called the office monday morning, and they referred us straight the the ent, who then said they wait 5-7 days for swelling to go down before examining a possible break.  so...



wednesday (being silly):

thursday (more silliness):

friday, the morning of our appointment (he looks serious because he was telling me once again about the digestive system, which is a very serious topic, you know, with the stomach "assick" and all...):

the ent was very nice and the exam went very fast.  he deduced pace's nose was broken, as it felt like it moved when he reset it.  he also said pace's septum was deviated (whether a congenital thing or from the accident, we don't know), but they don't do surgery until at least 18 because there's a growth plate they don't mess with.  pace did not like having his nose set, but he decided it was worth getting a lollipop from the dr., and donuts from mama.


robin marie said...


Jay said...

Just saw this! Oh no!

Aunt Jordan ran into a swing set at a playground and just two weeks ago had a one-hour surgery on her broken nose! She had a cast for over a week and didn't want to be seen in public.

Pace got a little pushed to the right. Now he looks like a quarterback!

I like red lollipops...