Wednesday, September 4, 2013

timpanogos caves

after papa and ninny left, and the adrenaline wore off, david realized he needed the weekend to recover from surgery.  so i took the boys and hiked up to timpanogos caves with some friends and their kids (emma is pace's babysitter, whom he adores, and andrea and i work out together twice a week and she often brings her two youngest, so pace now also loves his playmates kyra and abby!).  in all the years we've lived here, i've never done this hike!  it was quite steep!  i had max in the hiking backpack, and pace walked most of the way up and down, but justin (andrea's husband) did end up carrying him a little bit when he got too tired.  we were hoping to get tickets there that morning, but they were completely sold out, so we just did the hike.  

after putting the boys down for their afternoon nap, i hopped on the train again and headed up to salt lake for a wedding reception.  i started babysitting for this family when the two youngest were in diapers; i then moved in with this family in italy and they set me up with an italian family as their nanny; then this family moved to state college, right where we moved from a few years before!  and now here are the kids--all grown up and getting married!  i couldn't believe it!  don't ask me why i didn't get a picture with the beautiful bride or their parents...but here's a picture of me with the two younger girls.  transferring from the train to trax couldn't have been more perfect--and i even got some shopping done at city creek mall after the reception!  

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