Wednesday, September 4, 2013

another visit!

the week after bishka's visit, david had deviated septum surgery II (he says he's decided that he's done with surgeries for the year...), and ninny and papa came to visit!  phew was that a busy week!  papa and david spent tuesday of that week in the hospital, and david spent wednesday in bed trying to recover.  so we spent our time:

1. riding bikes!  pace is turned into quite the little speed demon!  he rounds corners like a pro, rockets himself up inclines, and balances perfectly while coasting downhill--he tucks his feet behind him like a little duck!

(the top photos are pre-surgery)

2. playing with papa and ninny's doggies and hanging out in the hammock--i'm pretty sure we were looking at an airplane or helicopter in the sky

3.  mowing the lawn.  pace loves mowing with david or me, following right behind us with his toy mower.

4.  going to the park.  max has proved to be just as fearless in climbing and swinging and sliding as pace was fearful of the playground!  i have to keep one eye on pace, who is still hesitant doing things and needs helps crossing the bridges/climbing, and keep the other eye on max, who has no fear and thinks he doesn't need any help doing those things to keep up with pace!  what a workout!  max LOVES the swings!

5. riding the train!  this was the first time we decided to brave the train to salt lake, and boy was it a hit! this is definitely the way to travel with kids!  it was so easy and stress-free, and the kids could be out and about walking around.  david was feeling well enough to accompany us on the train ride.  we packed a bag with snacks/drinks, diapers, and then we made special binoculars for pace to spy things from the windows!  

6. candy "factory" touring...for cooking day i thought it'd be fun to tour a candy factory, and found one located in alpine, just 20 minutes or so away from us.  i called ahead of time and asked if they still did tours, as advertised online.  they said they didn't do tours anymore, but there were large windows through which we could watch the workers decorate the candies.  i envisioned a large factory area, windows up above, workers down below, divine chocolate smells, etc.  based off map quest, it took us 30 minutes to get there, only to discover the factory was no longer located in alpine!  i called them once again to ask for their location and directions, and we backtracked to find the "factory"...turns out it is now just a little store and the workers make those sugar candies you put on top of cakes.  oh well--i'll get a hang of these fieldtrips one day...  

7.  jeeping.  david treated his parents to a couple of jeep rides in the mountains.  he said the jeep ran perfectly and drove like a jeep should over the terrain.  "great!  so you don't need those bigger tires/wheels after all?!"  i said.  he gave me "the" look, "that's not what i said."

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