Friday, December 11, 2015

a couple normal days

max started a new workbook, and he's loving it.  this page asked him to draw a picture of himself, and he got a little silly.  he thought it funny when he gave himself "a "a" mouth" and "crazy hair."  pace is doing great with upstart.  he gets frustrated with timed exercises, but i created flash cards and we have turned a few of the computer exercises into games we play together.  he's gotten a little better (less flustered) by the timer.  reading is coming along great.

we also did an inertia experiment.  what happens with the lemon and the paper tower when you pull the other paper out from under them? 

one morning pace grabbed his notebook and ran outside, saying he had to make "some observations". he drew the weather.  he got mad when the page tore, and so he completely tore it out of the notebook (despite my urgings that we could just fix it with tape and leave it together).  i found it on the stairs and had to take a picture.

we also had a couple friends over for christmas projects.  max wanted to invite his "favorite nursery friend" over, and pace wanted to invite lucy over.  lucy came a little late, when the boys were upstairs playing, so she and i had a fun time playing a game together.

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