Tuesday, September 9, 2014

preschool for pace and weeschool for max!

pace started preschool!  pace has been craving a social setting with friends, and although we do our workbooks and activities, it's really time to apply that knowledge with new and different people.  a friend in our ward does preschool out of her home--she's been doing it for years and i really liked the looks of her curriculum.  it's twice a week for two hours, and it's perfect for pace!--science time, letters, games, active time, etc.  pace has already come home with various new preschool songs memorized, and the teacher has sent home a september paper of things to work on and memorize.

today max started his "wee school"!  three other mamas in the ward and i got together and we're doing a little mama school two days a week for just one hour--we rotate houses, and focus on just one letter a week with various activities.  there are three 3 year olds, and max!  i am not worried about him keeping up with 3 year olds at all--he knows all his colors, counts to 10, and although he doesn't sing the abc song, he can identity all 26 letters!  today is super rainy, so i didn't get any photos of max coming out of school--we had to get all bundled up in raincoats in in our "tent stroller" (david's waterproof coats hung over the stroller to keep everyone dry)!         

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