Sunday, June 24, 2012

pahpah's visit and max's blessing

the last time pace had seen pahpah face to face was at his baby blessing, so when my dad walked through our front door for max's blessing, pace was slightly wary of this new adult.  it took him a while to warm up and turn his cold shoulder (literally--pace sat with his back turned away from my dad through breakfast)!  good thing pahpah packed little monk to help pull pace out of his shell!

pahpah meeting max for the first time.  max was very comfy taking a nap on pahpah.

we enjoyed having pace's baby blessing at home, we thought we'd do the same thing for max--it made for an intimate family and close-friend affair.  we had my dad, brother merritt from the bishopric, chet stevens (the ym president david serves with), and chris fosdick (family friend) participate in the blessing.  thanks, dad, for coming out on short notice and for such a short visit!

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