Saturday, May 21, 2016

Odds & Ends

I asked Pace to clean up the blocks all over the floor.  He informed me they weren't blocks, but were fish in the deep ocean, and he and Max were playing fishing boats to catch them.  I told him they still needed to be cleaned up.  So.  He couldn't just pick up the blocks, he first had to build a machine to carry the blocks to the block bucket.  Love this little engineer.

Pace is thrilled by all the flowering weeds in our backyard.  He is out there every day, picking flowers for me.  The first day he brought them to me, he first rang the doorbell and knocked like a gentleman, waited for me to open the door, and then held out his flowers, grinning from ear to ear.  He'd tied a little wire around them.  We have mason jars full of weed flower bouquets all over the kitchen.

Then Pace listed all our female neighbor friends and he said, "Mom, they are all girls!  They would like flowers, too!"  He wrote cards to them, and got bunches of flowers, we tied string around them instead of a wire.  
(I love the way Pace spelled Lucy's name phonetically: "Loose", but I told him Lucy's name was spelled kind of tricky and we rewrote it)

I had to get my watch resized at the mall, and the boys wanted to make a wish in the fountain.  I only had one penny, so I told them they had to share the wish and throw it together.  

Oh, and by the way, I changed the kitchen sink faucet.  I found the perfect faucet at Costco and the box said it was easily installed with 5 easy steps.  I thought I could handle 5 easy steps!  The water lines on the new faucet ended up being short, so that added a few extra steps.  Good thing our basement guy was here and he was more than happy to teach me how to extend and add on lines.  "You're a plumber now!"  He said.  Haha.

In addition to picking flowers, Pace loves catching ladybugs.  He said, "Mom, I'm the ladybug finding king!"

Pace wrote another Upstart story!  He did this all on his own, I didn't help him at all!

"pig on the roof.  pig jups [jumps] down the roof.  pig runz [runs] too the chre [tree].  the end" 

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