Thursday, July 16, 2015

water conservancy field trips

utah water gardens in orem has free summer classes i decided to sign the boys up for--one of them was one week after we moved, and the next one was two more weeks after that.  they were great field trips for us--it was a welcome break from unpacking, and now that david has the car to commute to work, the boys and i don't have a car to run we also squeezed lots of errands on our water field trip days!

the first class was about dams and reservoirs.  nearly each child that was there got to go up and pick something out of the worker's bag and decided how that item uses water.  pace picked out a bathroom scrubber, and when asked what it was used for, he said, "cleaning toilets."  that's my boy!--he knows his chores!  haha. 

we examined a map of the reservoirs utah county uses for its water sources

and then we got to play at the water table, trying to make dams and reservoirs.

our next field trip was about the water cycle.  they did a cool demonstration, making shaving cream clouds on top of water, then dripping food coloring on the shaving cream, and it eventually drips like rain through the clouds and the water.  we'll definitely be doing that one at home again.

then we played a water cycle bead game: you went to a station that had a picture of a type of water form, icebergs, rivers, lakes, etc., talked about it and got a matching color bead for a bracelet, rolled a die, and moved on to the next station.  pace also found my old young women personal progress charms, and thought they would make a great bracelet on a red pipe cleaner.  he jingle-jangled his way around the house for a few days wearing it. 

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