Thursday, July 16, 2015

how to keep boys entertained while unpacking 101

 1. let them play with the vacuum for as long as they want, and use all the attachments they want to use

2. mopping doesn't hurt, either, even if they empty the mopping soap squirter

3. if they ask to go play in "the sandbox," let them bring all the trucks out and play as long as they want

4. "float or fall" will be the game of the day, for a few days in a row; just walk around the piles of stuffed animals

 5. you can gain an hour or so to unpack a few boxes if you let them make rivers with the hose

6. pudding pops are always a hit

7. jumping practice is a hit, too

8. if all else fails, throw the boys to daddy when he gets home from work so he can take them on a jeep ride

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