Friday, December 27, 2013

holiday cheer

some projects that have kept us busy while daddy works away...

1. shoveling the snow from the walkway

2. making christmas decorations (pace was  just excited to experiment with the sparkly glue, so he had fun with a piece of paper.  he told me it was a water park.

this was a great activity for both boys--we cut out a wreath and a tree shape, glued on noodles before their nap and painted the noodles after their nap.  

max decided he didn't need a paintbrush tutorial and ripped the paintbrush (locked and loaded) from my hand and right into his head.

the little stinker.

finished product!

3. making hand wreaths.  this turned out super cute.  when i told my mom about this activity, i said, "i don't know how i'm going to keep them still for tracing around their hands!  i need to make a lot of hands!"  she said, "or you could just trace one on card stock and trace around that..."  thanks for that brain cell, mom...

4. oven ornaments!  this was pretty fun--both pace and max did pretty well with the colors.  pace did most of his pouring and i just asked max which color he wanted where and he'd point and let me know.

5.  bringing more decorations to a friend.  an older sister in our ward fell and fractured her back; i was doing rs visits last sunday and she mentioned she missed having all of her christmas decorations up around her house.  so the boys and i painted more trees and wreaths, and made a couple of paper chains, and visited her the next day.  she was over the moon!

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