Monday, December 9, 2013

a little bit of christmas...

december 1st hits and the christmas sweat shop begins.  david is in peak mode, meaning we don't see him...he's out the door by 8 and home around 930 on a good night.  decorating the tree...

david's birthday--we helped him celebrate in the morning before he left for work.  it was his runner's birthday, too, so they went to california pizza kitchen for lunch.  

decorating the gingerbread house.  pace is going through this phase where he doesn't want to look at the camera while taking a picture.  i don't remember why max was upset--probably because he feels like he doesn't have enough room on the stool.

even though the boys were in bed when david got home, they were still awake.  so david showed them how to make icicles hang off the gingerbread roof. 

second annual cinnamon roll/peanut brittle/jam making sweat shop.  david says the cinnamon rolls are "a beacon of light for the ups drivers during a dismal, dark week of torture."  and that's why we do it.  would you believe i actually roped a friend into helping me?!  we even dipped and bagged all that peanut brittle while rolls were rising/baking/cooling!

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