Sunday, October 6, 2013

"say yes, please" scrunchy face

max has two scrunchy faces: his mad scrunchy face, and his "say yes, please" scrunchy face.  when he really wants something, max points at it, flashes you a dimpled grin, and then scrunches his nose.  as if we'll give him whatever he wants because he's really cute.  ok, maybe that really is how it works, and he's figured it out.  

max has also decided to expand his vocabulary!  thinking single-syllable words or "mama" and "dada"* are below him, he has jumped head first into 2+ syllable words!  although he does sometimes sound like scooby doo in his pronunciation...

i am pretty sure his first word was yellow, and then he proceeded to point to every yellow item on the abc rug we have in the play room.  he quickly followed that up with banana, umbrella, bubble, and just yesterday he whipped out purple, and a couple single-syllable words: blue, ball, bug.

he signs all done, more, prayer, no, wash hands, bird, and makes a jet noise and makes his hand go around in a circle for both fan and airplane, uses his hand to imitate a bug crawling over him, and says, "whoo whoo" for an owl.  

he's quite the little character!

*he does babble mama and dada, but i've never heard him use them in context (other than pointing to us in photos when i ask), whereas he always uses his other words in context

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