Sunday, October 6, 2013

putting that grader to use

our chiropractor's office has an annual 8k run at the end of september.  the route is along the provo canyon river trail, and it's always gorgeous with the leaves changing.  this year, however, it was probably 40 degrees when we woke up, so we knew that would mean a windy 30 degrees in the canyon.  as we were both running, we bundled up the boys in lots of layers, their hats, coats, and mittens, and 3 blankets each...and took off running.  boy was it cold!  i think the boys were snug little bugs, though--they both fell asleep toward the end of the run because they were so warm.  

david and i started running together, having decided ahead of time we would do this run at a fun, comfortable pace to stay together.  when another guy pushing a stroller passed us, though...david couldn't take it and took off.  he kept a 6.30 mile pace while pushing the boys in the stroller!  i maintained my 9.30 mile pace, and was very satisfied.

when we crossed the finish line, pace saw the volleyball court and wanted to get to work with his grader!  (since opening it, the grader has accompanied us everywhere--the bank, the grocery store, nap time, bed time...each time pace exclaiming, "it's my favorite!")
david took him to retrieve the grader from the car, and pace got to work while waiting for me to cross the finish line.  that happy boy would have frozen to death had we let him!  we finally convinced him it was too cold to grade comfortably and we came home.

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