Friday, March 8, 2013


is this a good indication of future personality?  

when pace encountered crawling, or climbing up the stairs, or climbing up into his booster seat, he would just look at it forever--just look and analyze, and think.  and then he'd do it, the first time, perfectly.  he climbed from the bottom of the stairs to the top at the first go.  he climbed up into his booster seat the first time as though he'd done it forever.

max has mastered crawling...backwards.  no matter what toy i put in front of him, or push off his feet, etc., he insists on pushing himself backwards to get around.  he'll go from  the middle of the room clear out the door and into the hallway, eying things he inches past with a determined, perplexed look.  stubborn and headstrong?  a little like mama?...he'll figure it out...

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