Sunday, May 20, 2012

gardening 101

pace has a favorite spot in our front yard: the corner of the house next to the hose.  he loves to walk through the flowers, pat the tops of the sewage pipes as though they are drums, and then have a seat on a "chair" just his size.  after he sits down, he looks over at the other pipes sticking out of the ground, pats it and says, "mamo?  mamo?"--as though he is offering me a throne covered in jewels and velvet to sit on and join him in his little fort.  i simply respond, "mama's too big to sit there."  good thing david is still a willing playmate.  

we also recently invested in a number of summer outdoor activities for pace, to keep him occupied with grandparents when baby comes.  a little backyard inflatable pool, sidewalk chalk, finger paints, and of course, a new ball.  i find it hard to ignore the petitions of this little boy to add yet another ball to his collection--he isn't demanding, doesn't throw a fit, and doesn't cry (too often) when we tell him no (and if he does cry, it never lasts long).  when he saw the ball display at the store, his eyes got very large (if you can imagine that!), he immediately started pointing and very excitedly exclaimed, "oooooooooooooooooooh!" into the cart it went! 

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