Thursday, July 17, 2014

outside the box

max is starting to think out side the box, which is really fun to see.  his most recent sayings:
  • he walks around the house saying "ginkie 'wet"--he wants his binkie and blanket and is wondering where they are.  i'll ask him, "i don't know, max, where did you put them?"  he'll stop and say, "hmmm....", then burst out, with eyes wide open and grinning from ear to ear, "head!"  [bed] then run upstairs to see if he left them on his bed.
  • i'll ask him where his shoes/sandals are, and he'll again think, "ummmm..."  then shout, "'rodge!"  [garage], and run to check that's where he left them.
  • if i ask max where pace is, he'll most often say, "ummm..."  then another grin, hands spread out wide in front of his face, "hide!"
  • max really gets into playing with pace and david, and if i walk into the room, or stumble upon him playing with a truck, he'll look at me, grin a shy little grin, and point, saying " 'way!"  [as in, go away!]
  • pace has gotten into "spooky ghosts" lately (not sure where that one came from), but whenever we play hide-and-seek, hear a noise, or david gets home from work, we always end up making "spooky ghost noises".  max gets in on it, too.  if he hears a noise, he perks up with his hand cupped near his ear and says, "hound?" [sound]   i'll ask, "what's that sound, max?"  "ookey host!"  [spooky ghost]

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