a couple of weekends ago, david and a group went down to st. george to hike the subway. we thought it'd be great fun with pace in the hiking backpack we have, but when we read a little more about the hike, we decided it would be way too technical with a baby! then pace got sick so i stayed home with him. turned out that was for the best. david said that was the deepest the water has been in a number of years due to the rain we've had, and it was quite chilly--there were places everyone had to swim or go under logs or rocks, and everyone was chilled to the bone, shivering with blue lips.
david was about to go under that arch in the water!
candid shot of david balancing on some rocks--one of our friends thought this shot was hilarious, for some reason, so they replicated it on the hike up timp.
the water on this hike is apparently usually stagnant and very muddy. this year it's been so rainy and wet that all the pools are full of new water, and are so clear and beautiful!
it is so pretty there!
So, do you drive home with squishy feet or take another pair of shoes and socks?
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