Sunday, July 6, 2008

surprise trip to baltimore

this is my favorite photograph of my grandfather.  it was taken at my wedding in 2004.  my grandpa turned 80 a couple of weeks ago and decided to throw an outdoor bbq to celebrate with friends and family.  my two brothers and i flew in especially for the party--and especially for a surprise!  my grandparents weren't expecting us to come, and were so surprised when they saw all three of us get out of the car in front of their house.  don't you love surprises like that?!

laughing with my brothers: good.  
the three of us scrunching in the back of a truck: bad.
humidity: bad.

the whole family eating breakfast together: good.
my mom always being the photographer and not being in photos with us: bad.
eating at golden corral: questionable....

seeing cousins after 5 years: good.
spending 2 nights and 3 days without my husband: bad (that's the first time we've spent time apart in our 4 years of marriage, and neither of us enjoyed it at all!)
humidity: bad.

making egg salad for the party: good.
finding a double yoke: even better!  double good luck, right?!  (see how excited i am below)

watching jon erik do tricks on dad dad's scooter: good.
watching jon erik do tricks on dad dad's scooter in a snorkling mask: hilarious.
watching jon erik do tricks on dad dad's scooter in an old 80s short short swimsuit: bad.

party time!!  crab soup, salads, fruit, hamburgers and hot dogs, pies: good.

styling my hair and wearing make up in the humidity: bad.
humidity: bad.

here's the closest we've gotten to a family reunion in a long time!  the whole family above and just the cousins with our grandparents below. 

taking a dip in the cool, refreshing pool: good.
humidity: bad.
getting the cake ready: good.

we got to spend time with my mom and dad, too, which was nice.  jon erik and i flew in on friday and had dinner with our dad.  christian felt left out (he flew in on a redeye the next morning) so we scheduled another time to see our dad: early sunday morning for breakfast.  it was great for all three of us to be together and spend individual time with our parents; it had been a year and a half since we'd all gotten together.   
me and my mom: good.
humidity: bad.  that isn't sunshine in the background, that's humidity.  yuck.

the trip was a smashing success, and we had a blast!  i have to say, it's much easier for me to acclimate to a dry climate than a humid one, although i grew up on the humid east coast!  i don't see myself voluntarily living in a humid climate again.  i also don't see myself voluntarily going on vacation without david--we've been spoiled in being together and love our time together.  next time he's coming with me--even if he has to be squished into my carry on bag.


ALY said...

I'll always remember the time I came down to VA and met your mom...she is such an amazing lady :o)

Jay said...

It was very cool to have a couple of meals with my chillens!!

As to the party, as usual, I would have definitely enjoyed the kid's table! More fun, less stodgy, I can be me...

Humidity good! I like dripping all day - geez, who wouldn't!?

Jenny said...

I feel the same way about this sticky humidity while I'm in Chicago this week...and I grew up here, too! I think we've grown accustomed to the dry dry desert. I'm glad you had a fun time!

Annette Bailey said...

Humidity very bad. Every summer it takes me by surprise. You'd think I'd eventually get used to it!

I don't think I've ever seen you in eye makeup before - you look great both ways!