Sunday, September 9, 2007

mount timpanogos conquered

david and a friend, dustin, hiked mt. timp saturday morning. it was a huge production even getting to this point. david first started talking about going alone, which i utterly refused. then i made him over pack--a first-aid kit, enough food to last them 3+ meals, water to make them look like camels, extra socks, etc. they left at 330am, thinking it'd take them 11-12 hours to do the whole hike, and they'd be back in the afternoon to still have some of the day left. i was excited to have a productive day at home doing saturday chores and some reading for school. i received a photo message on my phone at 7am, a picture from somewhere along timp, i thought. i texted david, "are you at the top?" he wrote back "3.5hrs". i thought that meant they still had 3.5 hrs left to go until getting to the top...then about 10am david called and said, "we're on our way home." "you mean you're walking down now?" "no, i mean we're in the car, we'll be home in 20 minutes." what?! i haven't even showered yet! when david told me 3.5hrs, that's how long it took them to get to the top, and then they raced down to the bottom. turns out dustin is a better hiking buddy for david than i am--they made it up to the top of timp and back down in 6 1/2 hours. that's quite a pace, if you ask me. they'd have had to roll me down the mountain had i gone with them...some things sure are better left to the conquering boys.


robin marie said...

holy cow, that is one super hiker!

Dani said...


This is Danielle Haines. We were in the BYU 199th ward together. Blake and I met you two when we were first married. Anyway, just wanted to say hi!


david and michal said...

danielle?! how's it going? isn't it crazy how this blogosphere world connects everyone and their kitchen sink? keep in touch!

Sarah said...

Wow, what a cool site! David, you have my total respects, 6 1/2 hours. I refuse to hike that mountain. I'm not a huge hiker, so I hear it is not for me, and I'm "down" with that!